Course Introduction
Welcome to the Course - 3 min
1. What is motion planning?
the motion planning problem is the task of generating the path and velocities required to get the autonomous car from point A to point B.
2. decompose the motion planning into smaller sub-problems
Module 1: The Planning Problem
Lesson 1: Driving Missions, Scenarios, and Behaviour
- Explain what the autonomous driving high-level mission entails.
navigate from current position to a destination. - Recall the set of important basic driving scenarios.
road structure (turns, lane changes) , obstacles - Develop a set of driving behaviours to handle most basic driving scenarios.
Speed Tracking, Decelerate to Stop, Stay Stopped, Yield, Emergency Stop - Recognize important constraints for autonomous driving motion planning.
- Explain the functionality of each step in a hierarchical motion planner.
- List some variants of each step of a hierarchical motion planner.
- The motion planning problem is the task of navigating the ego vehicle to its destination in a safe and comfortable manner while following the rules of the road.
Autonomous Driving Mission:目标找出最高效的路
Road Structure Scenario:
- 保持车道lane maintenance,目标偏离中心线最小 但要保证速度
- 变道lane change
- 转弯
- 掉头U-turn
Obstacle Scenarios
- static
- dynamic:Different dynamic obstacles in the scenario have different characteristics and behaviours
- Speed Tracking
- Decelerate to Stop
- Stay Stopped
- Yield
- Emergency Stop
(Not an exhaustive list)
- 许多违反交规的行为难以预测
Hierarchical Planning Introduction
- motion planning是一个复杂问题,将其分层优化,如下图
Lesson 2: Motion Planning Constraint
Bicycle Model
通俗地讲, holonomic constraint是configuration space上的约束,它告诉你哪里不能走, nonholonomic constraint是速度(广义坐标的微分)上的约束,它告诉你哪些方向不能走,但是你依然能想去哪里去哪里。
Vehicle Dynamics
- 横向和纵向的加速限制(摩擦力椭圆)
- 在非紧急情况下,更有用的限制是乘客对加速度的容忍度(下图矩形所示)
Static obstacles
- 使用线束或一系列近似车身的圆去做碰撞检测
Dynamic Obstacles
- 涉及到障碍物行为的预测。如果预测所有,就太过保守无意义,做aggressive和conservative之前的tradeoff——热点研究
Rules of the road and regulatory elements
time gap
the amount of time that it would take for the ego vehicle to reach the leading vehicles current position while traveling at the ego vehicle’s current speed
Lesson 3: Objective Functions for Autonomous Driving
- 曲率
Lesson 4: Hierarchical Motion Planning
分层以后每一层计算会快,但同时每一层会损失其他层的信息。和不分层比存在一个trade off
Mission Planner
Behavioural Planner
Local Planner
产生避免碰撞的路线和舒适的velocity profile,分两部分
- sampling based planner
- Variation Planner 将路径和速度产生合并在一起 chomp Algorithm
- lattice planner
Lesson 3中对速度的一些优化作为目标限制,凸优化