在看NDN的默认转发策略BestRoute Strategy中提到了指数退避算法,回忆了一下,即为:
BestRoute Strategy:把Interest发给具有最小cost的下一跳,没收到要重传时选择次小cost的下一跳
This strategy forwards a new Interest to the lowest-cost nexthop (except downstream). After that, if consumer retransmits the Interest (and is not suppressed according to exponential backoff algorithm), the strategy forwards the Interest again to the lowest-cost nexthop (except downstream) that is not previously used. If all nexthops have been used, the strategy starts over with the first nexthop.
This strategy returns Nack to all downstreams with reason NoRoute if there is no usable nexthop, which may be caused by: (a) the FIB entry contains no nexthop; (b) the FIB nexthop happens to be the sole downstream; © the FIB nexthops violate scope.
This strategy returns Nack to all downstreams if all upstreams have returned Nacks. The reason of the sent Nack equals the least severe reason among received Nacks.